100% Pure Peppermint Green Tea Facial Toner

Some time not so long ago SkincareRx had a nifty promo that involved yours truly getting a $20 gift certificate for their site. Win! What was even more full of win was that GC was good for their partner sites, Apothica and Skin Botanica. Skin Botanica carries the lovely organic line 100% Pure.

I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for anything with green tea in it. I love the stuff. It’s tasty, smells nice, and my skin seems to really like it too. It’s soothing and chock full of antioxidants. So when I saw a peppermint green tea toner from one of my favorite organic brands I was immediately interested. The peppermint green tea toner is recommended for all skin types. It claims to “hydrate, soothe, and refresh”. Sounds lovely doesn’t it? I’ve yet to be disappointed with a product from 100% Pure, so I thought I’d take the plunge. The bottle is a generous 8 oz and retail is $15, so with my GC I spent about $2 on it after shipping. For $2 it was certainly worth looking in to.
Now, there’s no water or added colorants or anything in this toner. So, the dark brownish greeny color is a little offputting, but just trust me here– this is ok to put on your face. lol. The organic tea is infused with peppermint, citrus, and berries. Sounds good enough to drink, but don’t. What I noticed immediately on using it (I just dripped a little onto a cotton pad and swiped it on my face) is how cooling and refreshing the mint feels. It really feels great, especially first thing in the morning when you’re still kind of sleepy. It does a great job of balancing my skin. I’m not oily or dry after using it. I just feel refreshed and my skin looks better. I’ve been having a little bit of dryness and/or irritation lately due to doing another course of retinols on my face, and this toner really saves the day.
Organic Infusions of Green Tea, Peppermint,Spearmint, Eucalyptus, Pomegranate, Lemon and Orange Peels, Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate), Vitamin E (A-Tocopherol) extracts of raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry and grapefruit seed, Peppermint Essential Oil, Natural Food Preservatives from Cranberries and Salt (less than 0.1% of Sodium Benzoate,Potassium Sorbate)

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