15 Blogs I Love…

The lovely CucumPear tagged me for a blog love award. So sweet of her! Now it’s my turn to tag 15 blogs I love to read.

  1. Nouveau Cheap – The Recessionista is the queen of beauty on a budget. 
  2. Temptalia – I can always count on her for beautiful photos of new collections.
  3. The Beauty Brains – The science behind beauty.
  4. Purely Cosmetics – Wacky and fun adventures of the lady behind Purely Cosmetics.
  5. Pink Sith – My partner in taupe crime, Miss Elvira.
  6. The Next Best Thing To Going Shopping Yourself – The best swatches on the web! I remember when Karla was just starting out and I helped her w/ blogging. I’m a proud blog-mom, lol.
  7. The Pink Train Case – Another taupe lover and all around sweetheart.
  8. Sasquatch Swatch – Another blog with awesome swatches.
  9. All Lacquered Up – The ultimate source for nail polish info and pictures. Fabulous gallery.
  10. Vampy Varnish – Another nail polish blog I absolutely love.
  11. Krissy’s One Stop Beauty Spot – A fellow so-cal blogger who really knows her stuff.
  12. Beauty School Blog – One of my favorite beauty bloggers to tweet with.
  13. Zoya Nail Polish Blog – I’ve been really into nails lately and Zoya always has the greatest discounts on their gorgeous polishes, plus they are really fun to tweet with. :)
  14. Krasey Beauty – I love that she always has products I’ve never heard of featured on her blog. Love learning new things.
  15. Fugly Horse of the Day – Not beauty related (although horses are very beautiful!), but still one of my favorite blogs to read for information and snark about horses.

If you have any recommended reading for me, let me know!!

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