2012 Stila Warehouse Sale

The Stila Warehouse Sale is back! They haven’t had one of these in a while, so I thought it was worth posting about even though I’ve mentioned the basics of what you need to know before, it never hurts to have a refresher. First, the basics…

When: Saturday July 28th, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

Where: The Doll Factory 1910 West Temple St. Los Angeles CA 90026

So if you’re in the area and want to cruise by, here’s what you need to know so you don’t make an ass of yourself or get very disappointed.

– Get there early. It says 8, but people start lining up EARLY. Getting there at 6 isn’t unreasonable. Bring some Starbucks and a buddy or a book or something.

– If you know you can’t or won’t be getting there early, bring water. It’s LA in July. It’s going to get hot waiting in line. Wear sun screen. Be smart!

– Don’t bring that giant purse or diaper bag or (god forbid) a STROLLER with you. They won’t let you in with it.

– They only let a few people inside at a time. It keeps things orderly so it isn’t a mad rush. Once you’re inside, they won’t rush you out. You have plenty of time to browse, swatch (usually there are testers), and decide. No need to push or shove. I’m serious, I got shoved a couple times before – totally unnecessary!

– Speaking of which…there are TESTERS. Don’t open products and swatch them on yourself! Either wait for someone to be done with the tester, or if you’re not sure where it is ASK SOMEONE on the staff to help you. Don’t just help yourself to a new tester.

– They take cash or credit card.

– There is a purchase limit, but it’s $600. And with the prices as low as they are, you’ll be fine. ;)

– Be nice to the staff. They’re there on a Saturday.

So what will be for sale at the warehouse sale? Usually it’s their Last Chance items, along with some core items. Previous holiday sets and palettes will probably be there, along with the odd bundle of things. For example one year I was there, they bundled together a bag of 6 eye shadows for like $28. Pretty good deal considering they’re usually $18 apiece, no? They were great basic shades like Chinois, Moonlight, Dune, etc.

So, who’s going? :)


  1. I_love_bamargera says

    Is anyone going to this?

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