A Segue – Cohabitation

Well, as of yesterday, the boyfriend is now a live-in boyfriend. My living room looks like a Game Stop exploded in it, and I’ve been busily attempting to make room for the poor guy in the bathroom and closet areas.

The Boyfriend is to nice clothes and fashion what I am to makeup. Consequently, when he and I join forces we have a whole lot of shoes. And lots of stuff in the bathroom. (He uses hair products!) I know, I’ve struck boyfriend gold with this one, haha. It’s a challenge in an apartment though. We only have one small closet. Luckily I have the Mercedes Benz of apartment bathrooms so there is room in there once I stop monopolizing it. Giving me a huge bathroom is like giving a goldfish a large bowl. All of my crap will grow to expand and fit the space.

So, it’s going to be a little bit of a challenge! I’m so glad I took the time a few weeks ago to re-organize my makeup stash. It takes up less space now. And space is at a premium these days.

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