Another Love…

Something I love staring at for hours besides makeup: Etsy.

What is Etsy? Etsy is a site where people who are much craftier than I am can sell their handmade goods! I have ordered all sorts of jewelry and stuff from Etsy. I love it because…

a.) I’m supporting a person and not a big giant company
b.) Almost always the piece I buy is one of a kind (how special!)
c.) The prices are very reasonable.
d.) They take paypal. :P
e.) Since you are buying directly from the person who hand makes the goods, you can often get custom pieces!

So if you are looking for something really unique, you should definitely check it out. I also want to mention that my friend Emily has a shop on Etsy where she sells beautiful pieces of jewelry. If you’re interested, check out CoupCoup Designs.

If you’re looking for a really awesome crocheted hat, you simply must check out Btrflymom’s Shop. Sue is so talented and the money she makes from selling these hats is going to her children’s college fund. Another Etsy member with beautiful crocheted hats and other fun items is Julie and her shop Wee Bee Uniques By Julie.

So, have you bought anything from Etsy? What are your favorite Etsy shops?


  1. Kristin says

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