Orange you glad it’s almost summertime? HA. See what I did there?
I love the scent of oranges. In fact, I love the scent a whole lot more than the taste. One of my favorite scented products ever is Bliss Blood Orange & White Pepper! Blood orange just smells so yummy.
So when I was at the mall on Saturday I ducked in to Bath & Body Works to check out the new Orange Sapphire scent. They had a huge display right at the front of the store and I made a bee line for the tester.
Oh holy hell this is citrus heaven!!!!!!!!!! I’m in love. The top notes are bright citrus– blood orange, tarocco orange, grapefruit, peach, mandarin orange, and more. The middle notes contain some light florals like orange blossom, orchid, and jasmine. The fragrance’s base is made up of musk, vanilla, honey, and cognac to name a few. It’s a very complex fragrance but purposefully so. It has enough depth so that it’s not a cloying, kitchen cleaner-type orange scent. Instead it’s a succulent, summery orange scent that perks up the senses without slapping them in the face (or punching them in the nose, if you will).
If you love citrus you need to check this out. I grabbed mini sizes of the lotion, shower gel, and body mist. They’re normally $5 each, but Bath & Body Works is currently having a promo where the minis are 3/$10. I didn’t know when I purchased them, but B&BW has made improvements to their lotion formula, enriching it with shea butter and jojoba oil. The changes are great; I really do notice an improvement in how silky my skin feels after applying this lotion, even to my most dry parts on my elbows and the tops of my shoulders.
But wait, there’s more!
If you don’t have a Bath & Body Works near you, shipping is just $1 for the next 2 days on purchases of $25 or more from the website. The code for this offer is APRILSHIP1. Sorry Canadians, this is only valid for U.S. purchases. That is so lame. :( Also worth noting is the signature line is buy 2 get 1 free, and Anti-Bac is on sale 4 for $15 or 6 for $20.
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