I did a tag recently where I mention that I’m a Bath & Body Works girl, and that is so true. I know there are lots of fabulous etailers, and more indie apothecaries such as LUSH, but I grew up loving Bath & Body Works and I don’t think I’ll ever abandon my love for the B&BW. I love the consistency in the line (although they seem to have packaging ADD over the last couple years) and the fact that if I love a scent I can get it in a body spray, bubble bath, shower gel, lotion, etc…the list goes on. :)
I picked up Winter Candy Apple fragrance mist on a whim. I was shopping for candles, but I had one of those coupons that gets you a free body care item with $15 purchase, so this spray came home with me. I haven’t regularly used body spray much recently because they never seemed to have much lasting power and I got frustrated with having my scent du jour fade by lunch. However, WCA (I’m lazy, witness my abbreviations!) is such a fun scent and it was free.
B&BW describes the scent as having top notes of candy apple and orange zest, middle notes of mint and white sugar, and bottom notes of vanilla, musk, and balsam. To my nose, it smells very apple-y mostly. There is a hint of something else in there that I want to say is the vanilla, mint and maybe a bit of balsam, but I do not really notice the musk or the orange at all– and that’s fine by me! I’m thinking the orange might just give the apple its brightness, amplifying the fruity notes but not overpowering the apple. Kinda like how almost every fruit juice seems to contain apple juice to make it sweeter. (Seriously, have you noticed that?)
What makes Winter Candy Apple a standout for me is 2 things:
Lasting Power – Whoa! Have fragrance mists been updated? I don’t know if it’s just with this one or what, but the lasting power on this guy is AWESOME. I have had it on for about 11 hours now as I write this, and I can still catch a whiff every so often. That’s REALLY good for a body spray!
Not Just Apple – I like this because it’s not just your every day apple scent. A lot of cheap body sprays out there are so one-dimensional, or “something + vanilla”. This fragrance is dynamic enough for a grownup to wear without feeling silly or like she stole her daughter’s scented dolly and toted her around in her bra as a perfume for the day.
Bath & Body Works fragrance mists are $12 for 8 oz, but they’re having a sale where you can buy 3 get 2 free or buy 2 get 1 free! That deal is available online and in stores. If you go to the store, they’ll give you a little booklet with several coupons in it. Yay holiday deals!
By the way… another thing I noticed while candle shopping is that not only are all of the 4 oz candles marked down to $5 each (they’re usually $9.50), many of them have coupons attached for a $10 3-wick candle. Those are normally $19.50, so that’s even more savings. If you love the candles there, it’s worth grabbing some up! I highly recommend the Creamy Nutmeg. Loving that one right now!