Butter London Fall 2012 Shades

The fall/winter ’12 offering from butter LONDON has me all excited. These are just the kinds of colors I love to wear. Let’s take a closer look myeah?

Dodgy Barnett – A “highly holographic” silver-grey. The name comes from slang for a bad hair cut. How cute!

Gobsmacked – A heavily pigmented charcoal glitter with a slightly textured finish. The name comes from the slang term for being speechless. The mention of a textured finish has me intrigued to say the least.

Lovely Jubbly – Magenta with red, blue, and gold microglitter. Um, delish. The name means “excellent”. But it sounds like it means boobies. I don’t know. Some UK person clear this up for me yeah? I need this polish in my life…

Shag – Do I need to explain what that means? Well when a man and a woman love each other very much… okay, you get the idea. But the color is described as orange-burgundy high-shine metallic. Come to mama.

Trustafarian – And. Finally. This one I am the most excited about. Sage green with a golden holographic finish. I DIE. The name has something to do with poseur hippies who are really trust fund babies. But they could call this polish anything and I’d still want it on my paws and claws!!!!

butter LONDON polish is available all over the dang place – Nordstrom (free shipping!), Sephora, Ulta…go getcha some! These retail for $14 each. Remember to leave me some ok? Or there will be hell to pay. <3

Top image from Temptalia

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