Bye Google Friend Connect

Oh yeah. It’s come to this. N Sync references.

But that’s what I think of when I think of “bye bye! (bye)”.

In having switched my site over to WordPress, Google Friend Connect went bye-bye. So if you were using that to follow my blog, won’t you please like my Facebook page, or subscribe via RSS or email instead? There is also a super duper service called Bloglovin’ that is great for following blogs, and I’m sure lots of similar ones out there. Personally I read via email or just bookmark sites I visit frequently! Whatever your method of choice, I am hoping that you won’t forget about me. *tear*

What do you guys think of the redesign? It’s not 100% done and I’m still playing with it (the magic of WordPress plugins – there’s so MANY to play with!!), but I am very open to feedback.




  1. I totally dig the new design!

    • Thank you so much!!! Since you are an artsy person w/ a good eye I take this as very high praise! :)

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