Cheap Awesome Powder Brush

I really gotta hand it to ELF. When they originally launched I thought…you’ve got to be kidding me, $1 makeup? That can’t be any good.

Oh but I am wrong. A lot of ELF products are downright great. And recently they have launched their ELF studio line, which is a step up from the original line. Instead of being $1 this powder brush is a whopping $3. As a promo related to the Oscars the whole studio line was actually 50% off so this brush sold for $1.50!!

But honestly? This is a really, really great brush. Worth way more than the $3 they charge for it. It’s synthetic hairs, SUPER soft, and applies powder like a freaking dream. The handle is thick plastic, and the brush really feels substantial in the hand. This is a very high quality piece! If you’re looking for a cheap, but really nice powder brush, definitely check out this one from ELF. The softness of this powder brush compares to the amazing softness of EcoTools. Yeah. That’s pretty freaking soft.

Right now when you purchase $20 or more from ELF you can get $2 shipping with the code SHIPTWO.


  1. Sarah says

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