Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Shampoo/Conditioner Review


Sometimes it’s taking a break from a product that really makes you realize how much you love it. That has definitely been my experience with Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy shampoo & conditioner.

I had been using Clear hair care since the end of November, but I took a break from using this duo because I had to pack everything for my move, so I switched to a pair of mini Amika products instead and packed my big bottles of Clear up to move. Well this morning I switched back to Clear because I finished the Amika shampoo and OH MY GOODNESS. I wanted to apologize to my hair for not switching back sooner. My hair feels so soft, and so silky. I can’t stop touching it. And the best part? All I did was wash it, squeegee it with a towel, and go. I didn’t even comb it. NO TANGLES. AT ALL. And my hair is down to my mid-back!

The formula I have is for damaged and/or colored hair, but it treats the scalp as well. To me this makes perfect sense. There’s a saying in the horse world “no hoof, no horse”. In other words, take care of your horse’s feet because a horse with bad feet won’t get you anywhere. It makes sense then that since the scalp is the foundation of your hair you should take good care of it for healthier hair.

My scalp and my hair love this shampoo/conditioner combo. My hair is easily 5x more manageable today than it ever was while I was using the Amika products!


Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner are available at most mass retailers (ie Walgreens, CVS, Target, Rite Aid) for approximately $6 each. I love these, and I’m not the only one. Clear says try them for a week and if you don’t have healthier hair after 7 days, you get your money back.


  1. Kristin says

    Do these have sulfates, parabens, etc.? And is it pH balanced for hair (4.5-5.5)?

    • Alyson says

      The shampoo has sodium laureth sulfate and neither of them have any parabens. I don’t know about the pH #.

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