I have a confession: I’m a face wipe addict. They are a lazy girl’s dream! I’ve tried a bunch of different ones, so here are some quick mini reviews to help you choose the next time you’re in the market for some face wipes.
First, The Worst
Everyday Minerals briefly came out with some face wipes, which I eagerly ordered. I was just as quickly disappointed. The wipes were a good large size, but not very moist and barely removed anything. Those wipes have since been discontinued. Good call.
Nice To Try
Mark.’s Make It Go Away makeup removing wipes are pretty nice. They’re non-irritating and do a good job of removing everything. My only gripe with them is the price point– $8. It’s not a bad price per se, but you get 30 wipes for that price. There are equally or better face wipes at the drugstore for the same price or better. And drugstores have those awesome sales. ;)
Ah yes, the drugstore. Clean & Clear’s Makeup Dissolving wipes are another decent option. They’re inexpensive and pretty good for sensitive eyes. I like them and I used up the package quickly. But as always, I’m on the hunt for more.
I got a tip that Wet Ones Hand & Face Wipes for sensitive skin have very gentle ingredients and are a cheap (under $5!) option that works for a lot of people. I tried them out, and I gotta say they work pretty well as far as cleansing, however they’re not the greatest at removing makeup.
I think Ponds Wipes are one of those inevitable products that everyone tries at least once. They’re great, I think. There are several formulas, they’re not too expensive, and go on sale frequently. Once the patent ran out on these guys though, CVS and Target both came out with knock-offs that are cheaper and really great. I especially love the variety from CVS. There is also Walmart‘s house brand “Equate” that has a similar makeup wipe that is pretty good, but I find dries out a little faster.
Comodynes are a popular option I once decided to try. They have 2 formulas – sensitive & dry skin or combination oily skin. Err. I have sensitive oily skin. I couldn’t find the combo/oily formula in-store, so I decided to try the dry skin formula. Oh man. Your skin would have to be REALLY dry for these to work for you. They left a residue that felt kinda gross. If your skin is quite dry though, give these a shot.
Ages ago I also tried and liked Garnier’s wipes. They smell wonderful (I love how all Garnier stuff smells, really) and feel very refreshing on the skin. However, the package is not very resealable and therefore dried out quickly.
No post about face wipes is complete without mentioning MAC wipes. There are those out there that would practically like a perfume of their scent, but I find it kind of generic. I like these, but I don’t love them. Do they remove well? Sure. But they’re overpriced for what they are. If you have a gift card or a discount they might be worth it.
Most recently I tried an Alcone wipe for the first time. They are huge and remove makeup really well, but this one stung my eyes just a tiny bit. :\ Because there are so many out there that do not sting, I can’t give these a full vote of approval. I’ll keep the ones I have in my bag for emergencies. I will say I like that they’re individually wrapped so that you don’t have to keep exposing the whole package to air every time you use one.
Run Out & Buy
The Recessionista has posted about our shared love of Epielle cleansing tissues on her blog Nouveau Cheap. Epielle tissues come in a variety of scents/formulas (citrus, cucumber, green tea- maybe there are others?) and are dirt cheap. I found green tea tissues at a local Korean market for 3/$5. I have also found the cucumber variety at Big Lots for only $1 a pack (and yes, I stocked up). Fabulous doesn’t even come close to describing these. They leave no residue. They remove all my makeup. They smell nice. Ah, I just love them.
At IMATS I wanted to try out Beauty Treats, and much to my delight they had a huge display of face wipes! They have a whopping 6 varieties to choose from: Collagen, Aloe, Rose, Apricot, Green Tea, and Cucumber. That gets my addict motor running. One whiff of the apricot wipes and I was so sold. These retail for $5 each at their new website… www.my2ndlove.com :) these are so wonderful. Smell so fabulous. Soooo refreshing. Perfect for summer. They really are a beauty treat.
Face Wipe Tip: Store your wipes with the package upside down to increase their longevity.
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