Cover FX Primers – Say No To Unitaskers!

Are any of you Alton Brown fans? Mr. Menagerie and my stepdad both love him. As far as cooking shows go, Good Eats is pretty entertaining. Basically Alton Brown is the biggest cooking geek ever. He explains all the science behind what he cooks, which is pretty cool. One thing Alton Brown hates is unitaskers, or tools that only do one thing. He’s always saying to banish unitaskers from your kitchen.

In some scenarios, this is a great philosophy to apply to your skin care, too. Cosmetics technology leaped ahead with the invention of the foundation primer, but now brands are taking it a few steps further. There are many primers out there that also provide sun protection. However, that’s kind of…not that creative? Think outside the box here, people! First of all, many moisturizers and foundations also include SPF. The problem being that unfortunately more is not always better with sun protection. Depending on the ingredients in all of the various sun products you’re using, you might be doing more harm than good. Sometimes layering SPFs with different ingredients causes them to actually cancel each other out.

So what then? Cover FX has developed a line of primers that are also skin care. What? Well, it makes sense. Primers are applied directly to your skin after your moisturizer, so why not do some good while they’re there.

The first Cover FX primer I tried was their Skinprep FX. This primer not only hydrates and smooths your skin (which blurs imperfections and makes foundation glide on, blend easier, and wear longer), it is an anti-aging love fest of nutrition for your skin. It’s chock-full of antioxidants such as Coenzyme Q10, omega 3 fatty acids, and peptides that promote skin health. A little of this primer/serum goes a long way when applying it. It’s light, melds into the skin beautifully, and does everything it promises to do for my foundation-wearing experience. I do not experience any breakouts with it. There is a slight fragrance which to me smells like my childhood backyard honeysuckle flowers. Not a fake honeysuckle scent contrived in a lab somewhere, but like the actual scent of the hundreds of honeysuckles in my backyard. This primer can be used by any skin type but is especially good for normal to dry skin. I don’t find it makes me any more oily when I use it, though. I have combo skin.

After my very positive experience with Skinprep FX, I was delighted when Cover FX contacted me to see if I wanted to review their Clearprep FX primer/anti-acne serum. This primer can be used by anyone, even men. It’s an anti-shine serum that minimizes fine lines and pores as well as helps to prevent and heal blemishes. Clearprep FX is mattifying on contact with instantly noticeable results! Silica and naturally occurring beta and alpha hydroxy acids work together to promote healing of acne and prevention of new breakouts. I don’t feel tightness or dryness from using this, and it really helps keep my t-zone matte and my foundation last longer in oily circumstances such as hot weather. It really helps to dry out the little mini breakouts I occasionally have around my eyebrows after I pluck my brows, and to prevent new breakouts in my main problem area– my chin.

Even if you don’t wear makeup these products can be beneficial to you because of all of the great ingredients! There are 2 other products in Cover FX’s primer line that I haven’t tried, Briteprep FX (brightening primer with UV-inhibiting ingredients) and Mintglaze FX, a lip primer and balm. After trying and coming to love both of the primers I mentioned above, I really can’t wait to try the others sometime!

Check out Cover FX‘s website for more info and videos about their products.

Available: Cover FX | Sephora | Naimies

Sample of CoverFX Clearprep FX was provided for consideration by PR. Skinprep FX was purchased by me at Sephora.


  1. Jerald says
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