I love how when you walk down the aisles at CVS you will see X brand name product, and then right next to it is a generic CVS brand version of the same exact thing. Often the packaging is even eerily similar. What happens is the patent that the brand held has run out. Voila, generics!
I haven’t been feeling well the last couple of days (all sniffly and sneezy and having the joy of cramps! oh nice!) but I had to make a drugstore run for provisions, so I decided to peruse the aisles of my local CVS. After all, even though those godawful cramps make you want to curl up and die, sometimes moving around a little does help.
And this appeared:

I know this is not the greatest photo ever, but please don’t take it and use it without credit and a link back to my blog!
A-ha! Last year (I believe it was last year..?) Neutrogena came out with their Wave power cleanser. And then more recently updated it with the Wave Duo, which has an added higher speed. These little gizmos are aimed at being the poor girl (or guy)’s clarisonic. I tried the Wave, but later upgraded to a clarisonic, so I have not tried the duo.
However, this little guy looks pretty spiffy, because it solves the problems I had with the Wave.
– Initial Cost. The Wave Duo is $17.99. This guy is $13.99 for a dual-speed cleanser. Each come with 2 weeks’ worth of cleansing pads (if you only use it once a day).
– Ongoing Cost. The Wave refills of the cleansing pads are a whopping $7-$8 each! That lasts 2 weeks if you only use it once a day. So if you were to buy a Wave Duo and use it once a day for a month, you’re looking at $18 for the device plus an additional $8. The CVS knockoff is only $14 plus an additional $5.
– Cleanser. This is my favorite part about CVS’ knockoff of the Wave. The cleansing pads are JUST pads. They have no cleanser in them. They’re designed to be used with the cleanser of your choice. No longer do you have to choose between the cleanser you love and the deep cleansing you want. BRILLIANT MOVE. I did not like the cleanser that came with the Neutrogena Wave’s cleansing pads. You could rinse them out thoroughly, allow them to dry, and then use them, but that’s kind of a pain in the arse isn’t it?
So over all if you are in the market for a face cleansing gizmo, check this out! Keep in mind that those of you with ExtraCare cards (and if you don’t have one yet– where have you been?) will also often get coupons good for CVS brand purchases that can be used on these items.
Meanwhile I have my Clarisonic, which was a vastly expensive investment that I’m kind of questioning at this point. Does it help my skin? Yes. Does it help it to the point of justifying the purchase? I don’t know.
Have you tried this?? If so I want to know how it is!