If you are interested in what this week’s drugstore deals are, the lovely Katrina has posted them over at her blog Shimmer Kisser. I love that she has all the stores in one place for me to reference. :)
Of particular interest to me is the l’oreal hip bogo @ walgreens. I love me some l’oreal hip! I also have a walgreens gift check thingy burning a hole in my wallet. That helps. ;)
Those of you with an Ulta near by will be pleased to read that NYX is bogo right now, too. However I’ve always been really disappointed with the selection of NYX at my local Ulta stores. They only stock part of the line and most of the “good stuff” you have to go to the internet or hole in the wall boutiques to find.
I’ve also heard that in addition to the published sales at Target that some l’oreal hip products are marked down. I have not confirmed this but you might want to check it out.
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