California is finally starting to feel like it’s in fall. It has been cloudy, rainy, and the other day we even had thunderstorms. Such things are so novel here, lol. I love this weather though, and it really has me in the holiday spirit, too. The Boyfriend and I went to the market and got two great big pumpkins to carve. True story– I’ve never carved a pumpkin! I wanted to get two in case I screw up the first one, haha. We also have been placed in charge of decorating my parents’ house for Halloween, so we went off to Big Lots today and got some spooky props. I love it! What do you guys do for Halloween?
With the onset of cooler weather (ha, it’ll probably be sunny and in the 70s again in no time…sigh) I get in the mood for fall scents. I nearly lost my mind over a pumpkin-scented Fabreeze candle in Big Lots today. (By the way you should totally go to Big Lots and grab one, they’re $4.50). I made sure to bust out my Philosophy Cinnamon Buns shower gel today– so yummy! I have several other mini fall scents from the Philosophy Cookbook that was out last year. I’m going to be lathering up in all sorts of baked good scents for the next few months for sure.
I really want to burn some yummy fall candles or something but others in my household are not as keen on the scents so I haven’t yet. But come on who doesn’t like coming home to a kitchen that smells like spices and cookies?! (And yes, I’m going to bake real cookies, too.)
And then totally randomly I’ve also been on a major Bath & Body Works Sea Island Cotton kick. It’s strange. I was in B&BW not too long ago stocking up on PocketBac when they were 5/$5 and doing the usual B&BW thing of circling the store sniffing everything and hemming and hawing over my decision when all of a sudden I sniffed Sea Island Cotton and BAM I needed it. It’s a scent that has been around for a long time and I’ve never been interested in it until now. It pretty much smells like laundry to my nose– fresh, cottony, and clean. It’s not as strong and irritating as the scents of scented detergents though (I do not use those because they make me gag! I use free & clear detergents always!). I’m not sure if they made changes to the scent or if I’m just weird but I suddenly started absolutely loving the stuff. I might even decide I “need” a bottle of the eau de toilette. Just look at the bottle! It’s really pretty. The price is kinda high though. I don’t know why but I always feel weird about paying a lot of money for something from Bath & Body Works. But that’s what the semi-annual sale is for, right?
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