Fashionable Housewife COACH Giveaway

Confession: I’m sort of obsessed with Coach. I don’t have a closetful or anything, just one handbag and some accessories…but this bag is my baby. I love this bag. Of my bag wardrobe it is my reliable old workhorse. It’s sleek and “grown up” looking brown burnished leather. It is love.

Anywho, it was this deep love and affection for Coach that lead me to get really excited about the Coach giveaway at The Fashionable Housewife (part of the Coach Holiday Blog-a-Day), in which you (or I!!!) could win this amazing beautiful bag:

Oh hai ther. Sup bb, how you doin?
Yeah, that’s a pretty sexy bag isn’t it? And by telling all of YOU about the contest, you can drool over the bag with me. Wish me luck!
By the way, Coach is sponsoring giveaways on a bunch of other brilliant blogs as well. To check out the details, visit


  1. Lady Ann says
  2. Lady Ann57 says
  3. Dimpleelaine says
  4. qamar says


  5. thanks for the nice sharing now i look forward the others :)
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