I don’t think I really did a November favorites post. Oops. But I’ll just talk about some stuff that is my favorite right now. Because does the month part really matter? Nah.
My favorite lipstuff definitely changes a lot, but I can tell you for sure one thing I am loving for lips right now is Philosophy’s Kiss Me balm in pink. I got it in Sephora’s deal that they had online for like, a minute that had the balm with 2 mini bath items for $5. But if you want it, you’ll have to go to Philosophy’s website because I don’t see it on Sephora, and it will cost you $12. Philosophy says they created this with someone in mind who is looking for the ultimate lip balm. I think they did a bang-up job. It’s very VERY moisturizing, refreshingly minty (without being tingly-burny), not at all sticky, and long-lasting. The pink shade imparts a tiny hint of color for a perfectly natural look. Kiss Me is also available in clear and red. I’d love to try the red!
I’m also loving and adoring all of my Stila lip glazes! Admittedly I have a ton of these, but they’re kind of addicting. They have pretty colors, fun scents (foody scents! yum!) and I may get flack for this but I love the click pen packaging! Click pens get a lot of hate because apparently some people have problems using them, like that too much (or not enough) product comes out, they leak, whatever. I have never had those problems (knock on wood) with my dozens of click pens I’ve played with over the years. Maybe I am magical. Maybe I am a sort of Click Pen Whisperer or something and they just obey me. I don’t know.
I am currently having a torrid love affair. With an eyeshadow palette. The NARS Pleasures of Paris palette, actually. This little beauty is 6 shadows of pure love. They’re very easy to wear neutrals. I am literally wearing this palette every other day, it seems. It’s available on the NARS website. It’s limited edition, so hurry if you want it. The shades in the top row of the palette (L to R) are Nepal, Violetta, and Demon Lover. On the bottom row there are Fez, Abyssinia, and Cordura. I’m not a diehard NARS fan (I only have this palette and one other, the Best of NARS palette), but I recognize awesome eyeshadow when I see it and this is a great versatile palette.
Run, don’t walk (or just open another tab) over to Meow Cosmetics. I am obsessing over the LUSH Blushes! Specifically Warm & Fuzzy, the soft peachy shade. It’s simply gorgeous and natural on, and goes with pretty much anything. Meow offers baggie samples for just $1, so you should go give it a whirl. Try the other lush blushes too! There isn’t one I don’t like.
Well, that’s what I’m really loving right now. Have you tried any of these? Do you love ’em?
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