First Impressions

I’m going to introduce something new to the blog. Because sometimes certain types of products have to be used for quite a while before enough experience is gathered for a full out “review”, I’m going to also include what I will call First Impressions.

It should be pretty self-explanatory, but basically when I’m trying something new I’ll post to let you know about it and what my first impressions are. Then I can update you on my progress later. ;)

So, to kick this off, here is a first impression of something I just started trying…

Dr. Lancer skincare – I just got this stuff like literally 2 days ago, so of course I don’t have a comprehensive review for you yet! But so far I like it alright. It’s a 3-step system. Step 1 is to polish (exfoliate), step 2 is cleanse, and step 3 is nourish/repair. So far the only real complaint I have is the smell of the products themselves. I don’t think there’s any added fragrance, which is a bonus if your skin is sensitive, but sometimes the natural smells of skincare ingredients don’t smell very cute if you know what I mean. It’s not a huge deal though, and I haven’t broken out in a rash or anything so I’ll keep using it and let you all know how it goes.

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