Free Shipping Event at DERMAdoctor

Hey all,

DERMAdoctor is having a really cool free shipping event where you get free 2nd-day air shipping on an order of $49 or more. :)

What do they have at DERMAdoctor? Skincare of course!

Besides their own brand (which is totally cute), they also carry yummy stuff like Bliss, BeautyBlender, Clarisonic, Murad, Kinerase, Talika, and PTR. There are a ton of brands to choose from including some drugstore faves like CerAve, Cetaphil, Aveeno, etc. For beautiful smiles, they also carry Supersmile, GoSmile, and BriteSmile! I love Supersmile toothpaste. It’s the most gentle teeth whitening system I’ve ever used. I have really sensitive teefers! D:

In addition to having a lot of really great products, I really appreciate the fact that DERMAdoctor ships with earth-friendly packing materials. So often when I order something online the absurd packaging is very wasteful. I make every effort to recycle as much of it as I can, but it’s really great to see a company taking that extra step.

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