Skin can be so frustrating. The skin is the canvas for your makeup and when it’s not behaving the way you want it to, oh boy.
I used to have ridiculously oily skin until I figured out the whole over-drying leading to more oil concept. Now my skin leans more combo. That probably has something to do with being older and hormones shifting, etc. The type of skin you have is likely to change one or more times during your lifetime.
Today, I feel like my skintype is “gross”. It’s hard to explain other than that. Something just feels off. I can’t wait to go home later and wash off all my makeup, pull my hair back, and do a purifying facial or some deep exfoliating cleansing. Speaking of pulling hair back, more often than not when I am at home, I have a headband on in order to keep my hair off my face. It’s not the cutest look in the world sometimes but it helps those pesky forehead breakouts. And it gets my hair out of the way for face washing (along with a clip on either side). I have ~chin length hair so a ponytail is not really an option.
This is my basic skincare routine:
1. Remove all eye makeup with Neutrogena Oil Free Make-Up Remover
2. Cleanse with Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash or Garnier Nutrisse Detoxifying Gel Cleanser
3. Tone with Wet ‘N Wild toner if skin is feeling tight
4. Apply Paula’s Choice 2% Beta-Hydroxy Acid liquid
5. Apply Neutrogena On The Spot 2.5% benzoyl peroxide on blemish areas
6. Moisturize with Purpose moisturizer– this may change. I’m not a huge fan of this product.
I feel like the Purpose moisturizer might be a bit too creamy for my skin…or something. It just feels kind of heavy. I actually really like this sample of Dove moisturizer I got as a swap extra. Unfortunately, the product has been discontinued. Hate that. So the search continues.
In order to get some deeper cleansing, tonight I’m going to use my Neutrogena Wave Power Cleanser. It’s a little gizmo that vibrates! A vibrator for your face, if you will. ;) I use washable cleansing pads soaked with the cleanser of my choice, and this little doohickey does all the scrubbing for you! Nice! And with hot water it feels amazing. The wave retails for about $13 at drugstores. It comes with its own pads that are pre-soaked in cleanser but I prefer to use my own. I got my custom made washable pads from Etsy. The seller’s name is WeeBeeUniquesByJulie. Julie crochets custom pieces for very reasonable prices, and works extremely quickly. The “scrubbies” are normally larger than the wave, but if you order custom scrubbies, get 1 inch rounds. I also got a hat from her for $5 (!!!) that I am quite enamored with.
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