Get a Free Mascara from Stila!

Hey everyone! I just got an email with a great offer from Stila that is good for the whole month of September. Now through September 30th you can get a free Multi-Effect Mascara ($20 value) or Black Diamond Mascara ($24 value) with all orders of $15 or more! You also get to choose your color! There is a different promo code for each freebie:
BLACKM gets you a mutli-effect mascara in Black
BROWNM gets you a multi-effect mascara in Brown
BLACKD gets you black diamond mascara in Black Shimmer
BLUED gets you black diamond mascara in Blue Shimmer
These coupons cannot be combined (no stacking). You do not need to add the mascara to your cart. It will be added automatically when you use one of those codes. 

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