GoJane is Bargain Hunter Bliss

I am not a fashion plate.

So the fact that I am going to a wedding next week produced a semi-panic. What the heck will I wear?

Well lucky for me I totally scored at Ross (yes, ROSS! I know!) and got a beautiful LBD for $29 marked down from $89. Wicked. But then of course comes the real problem: accessorizing. Shoes. Makeup. Hair. Oh gosh. Makeup will be easy. Hair eventually will be too. I’m going to
have it cut.

But shoes?! What am I going to do for shoes? Did I mention I’m also on a major budget? I sort of had a picture in my head of what I wanted. Black, heel, thick crossing straps…I’d seen something similar on some celeb tabloid blog like The Superficial and I wanted it.

Enter GoJane.com.

GoJane offers trendy clothes & accessories at really cheap prices. I mean really cheap. I was skeptical, wouldn’t the shoes be kinda junky at this price? Oh, no. They aren’t. In fact they’re awesome. And I paid under $20 for them. Voila, exactly the shoes I was looking for:

$17.30!! I am ecstatic. They arrived today and they feel great. They’re surprisingly comfortable considering the heel is 4″ (I’m kind of pathetic to watch wearing heels…no coordination!). I will still be putting something on the ball of the foot for extra comfort though.

I’m not done though. I also picked up a pair of sandals. For 7 freaking dollars. That’s 7. As in about the same as a meal at Carl’s Jr. Yeah.

The strappy sandal trend thing is everywhere right now and a lot of the designs I’ve seen are just…well, gross. But these have rhinestones and looked cute and comfy.

Other than the fact that I found amazingly cute shoes at an incredibly cheap price, I am super impressed with GoJane’s service. I had originally also ordered a pair of earrings (under $2!!!), but they were out of stock. I was emailed by a live person (on a SATURDAY!) immediately, and we worked it out. My shoes shipped, and I already have them. I placed my order on the 26th, people. It’s the 30th. Not too shabby.

I’ll definitely be ordering from GoJane again. Have you?


  1. Dionne says
  2. selecu says
  3. GlossMenagerieDotCom says

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