I am not a fashion plate.
So the fact that I am going to a wedding next week produced a semi-panic. What the heck will I wear?
Well lucky for me I totally scored at Ross (yes, ROSS! I know!) and got a beautiful LBD for $29 marked down from $89. Wicked. But then of course comes the real problem: accessorizing. Shoes. Makeup. Hair. Oh gosh. Makeup will be easy. Hair eventually will be too. I’m going to
have it cut.
But shoes?! What am I going to do for shoes? Did I mention I’m also on a major budget? I sort of had a picture in my head of what I wanted. Black, heel, thick crossing straps…I’d seen something similar on some celeb tabloid blog like The Superficial and I wanted it.
GoJane offers trendy clothes & accessories at really cheap prices. I mean really cheap. I was skeptical, wouldn’t the shoes be kinda junky at this price? Oh, no. They aren’t. In fact they’re awesome. And I paid under $20 for them. Voila, exactly the shoes I was looking for:

$17.30!! I am ecstatic. They arrived today and they feel great. They’re surprisingly comfortable considering the heel is 4″ (I’m kind of pathetic to watch wearing heels…no coordination!). I will still be putting something on the ball of the foot for extra comfort though.
I’m not done though. I also picked up a pair of sandals. For 7 freaking dollars. That’s 7. As in about the same as a meal at Carl’s Jr. Yeah.
The strappy sandal trend thing is everywhere right now and a lot of the designs I’ve seen are just…well, gross. But these have rhinestones and looked cute and comfy.
Other than the fact that I found amazingly cute shoes at an incredibly cheap price, I am super impressed with GoJane’s service. I had originally also ordered a pair of earrings (under $2!!!), but they were out of stock. I was emailed by a live person (on a SATURDAY!) immediately, and we worked it out. My shoes shipped, and I already have them. I placed my order on the 26th, people. It’s the 30th. Not too shabby.
I’ll definitely be ordering from GoJane again. Have you?