Hair Feathers: My Experience

I get bored with my hair you know? I am growing it out, but so my usual “chop it all off” solution to hair boredom isn’t going to fly. I got a couple colored extensions last year that I loved, so when I was contacted by Nova Vita Salon & Spa to try out feather extensions, I jumped at the chance.  My stylist, Alicia, was so much fun! I told her a bit about my lifestyle and what sort of look I was going for, and she helped me pick colors and placement of my feathers.

I thought the easiest way to do this post would be to do Q&A! If one of your questions doesn’t get answered, just ask below in the comments. :)

Q: What are they made of?
They are rooster feathers – all real feathers. Obviously the colored ones have been dyed. Most of the biggest brands are naturally sourced, cruelty-free feathers including Bling Stands, one of the industry leaders for this trend.

Q: How do they attach?
They are attached with a little silicone bead that clips the feather to the hair. It takes just minutes to put each one on and there’s nothing to it. If you’ve ever had keratin bonds, you know they um, kinda smell gross. Nothing to smell here! And the little beads are pretty undetectable unless you’re running your fingers through your hair feeling for them. If you have fine hair like I do, your stylist just has to make sure to place the feathers correctly so they’ll be covered at the root where the bead is.

Q: How much do they cost?
This varies a lot, especially since these feathers come from, well, birds and it takes a rooster 2-3 years to grow the pretty feathers. There is a pretty high demand right now due to this trend, so prices are changing often. You’ll have to call your local salon to find out if they offer hair feathers, and how much they charge. There are also many websites where you can get DIY kits if you’re feeling adventurous. Nova Vita charges $30 for the stylist’s time, and $10 per feather. So if you got 3 feathers put in, you’d pay $30 + (3 x $10) = $60. Ew, math.

Q: Do I have to do anything special to take care of them?
No! That’s the best part. You can just wash and style your hair as usual. Alicia warned to be a little careful when conditioning, as too much conditioner can kinda make them look “bleh”, but other than that, I didn’t change anything.

Q: Can you style them?
Yes! You can blow dry, flat iron, or curl the feathers. I blow dried and flat ironed mine several times. The only thing you can’t do with the feathers in is any kind of chemical processing (coloring, straightening, etc.) but you can take them out, do your thing, and then put them back in.

Q: How long do they last?
This varies depending on what you do with your hair, your hair type, etc. They can last anywhere from 6 weeks, to I’ve even heard 6 months. If you need to take them out, you can even re-use the feathers. You’d just need new crimping beads to put them back in.

And now…pictures! (Can be clicked to view full size.)

I ended up keeping mine in for WELL over a month. I took them out, but I saved them. I’m actually thinking of getting one of the DIY kits, I love them so much.
As for Nova Vita, I also really enjoyed my experience there. Everyone was so nice! The salon was clean, and I’ve already made an appointment to go back for my next cut. If you’re in Orange County, you should check them out. Their prices are very reasonable, and they’re in a pretty central location (Tustin). You can also follow them on Twitter – @NovaVitaSpaOC. If you go, let them know you heard about them here. :) I don’t get anything from that by the way, I just thought they’d like to know, lol.
Services described in this post were provided free of charge.


  1. Fashionchicsta says
  2. Bill Smith says
  3. hair beads says

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