Hair Routine

Today’s my day off and I had all sorts of fun activities planned, but my really really sore back has other ideas. I know, I know…not quite 23 and I have a bad back. Sad but true.

Anyways, I decided to share with you my current hair routine, because I’ve been loving my hair lately. :) It’s an odd mix of cheap and expensive.
Shampoo & Conditioner
First strike– I use a 2-in-1. These are usually highly ineffective. But I don’t care. Strike 2– it’s for children, lol. The shampoo/conditioner I’ve been loving lately is L’Oreal Kids Gentle 2-in-1 in Mango. No, REALLY. Sometimes I use it twice to get my hair really super clean, but it’s wonderful. :) And smells so good.
Once a week or so I use Suave Daily Clarifying shampoo and then deep condition with either my favorite– Sunsilk Hydra TLC mask, or Sunsilk’s Color Boost in Beyond Brunette (both of which I think are discontinued but can still be found at various close-out stores and in a few online locations). Note, the color boost conditioner comes in 2 different shades of brunette. There’s one for brunette with auburn tones and one for regular brunette. I use the plain brunette because my hair naturally pulls a lot of red and I’m actually trying to keep it looking chocolaty!
After washing I towel dry (just by squeezing the hair in a towel– not rubbing! Rubbing causes breakage and such. Then I comb through it gently with a wide tooth comb and spray some Aussie Hair Insurance leave-in conditioner throughout my hair. I use about 4 spritzes or so. After that, I squirt about a nickel-sized amount of GVP Smoothing Serum (generic version of Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum) in my palm, rub my hands together, and then apply it all over my hair. The serum reduces drying time, sleekifies, and adds protection from heat styling. After it’s all in, I comb my hair again to make sure it’s evenly distributed, and define my part with a parting comb.
Yay! Now it’s time to blow dry. I use a T3 Pro hair dryer. A lot of people ask me if the expensive dryer is worth it. To put it simply, absolutely. It’s “relatively” quiet (compared to other dryers), lightweight, and I notice a definite decrease in the amount of post-drying frizz/floofiness (that’s the technical term). The dryer comes with a concentrator attachment which I use occasionally, and I also have the diffuser attachment which is fun for more natural looking wavy hair rather than my usual straightened hair. By the way the link to the T3 pro is for the best deal I’ve found on the web– $88 plus free shipping w/ Amazon Prime.
Now on a day when I’m in a hurry, I can be done now. On a day when I want to go the extra mile, I continue. Depending on how frizzy my hair looks after blow drying (usually not too bad) I apply a small (dime to nickel sized) amount of Living Proof No-Frizz creme. I just have a sample of the creme but I’m using it sparingly so it has lasted a while. It’s for medium hair which actually isn’t what I have. I have fine hair so I “should” be using the spray, but I don’t have a sample of that. ;) I do plan on treating myself to the spray when I can though. The Living Proof products are fan friggin tastic. They also repel dirt, so your hair stays looking cleaner longer. WAY cool.
On a day when I go on to style my hair, I use my GHD Pure styler. The GHD is the rolls royce of hair stylers, hands down. I have straightened and done beachy waves with it. It looks great and the styles stay in longer than any other flat iron I’ve used without the use of hairspray. I love how quickly it heats up and that it beeps when it’s done heating so you know it’s ready. The floating ceramic plates have rounded edges and they do not snag on my hair. At all. I got mine at a massive discount, and it’s a good thing because these babies are pricey. They are worth it though. If you’re in the market for a great flat iron, go for the GHD.
Important Note: If you do decide to buy a GHD, I cannot stress enough that you need to do your homework and buy one from an authorized retailer (ie BeautyChoice, Sephora, Folica, GHD themselves, or an approved salon retailer). There are TONS of fakes out there. More fakes than real ones, according to a rep I spoke to with GHD. The official GHD website has a list of approved retailers. Do not buy one on Ebay, Craigslist, etc. There are a few real ones there, but the vast vast majority are fake. Do not risk it. I’ve seen a fake GHD in person and compared it to my real one and they are very convincing! Many fake GHD flat irons are even registerable on the GHD website. Unbelieveable.


  1. Marsadie says
  2. GlossMenagerieDotCom says
  3. Ouidad says

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