Head to Sunglass Hut and Experience #94ShadesofSummer


I’ve been catching hell for my sunglass fancy for years. I’ve always been partial to the giant sunnies that kind of make me look like a bug. But did you know that those big sunglasses can also help prevent aging? Yeah, squinting causes wrinkles, people! And because I have green eyes, they’re more photosensitive than brown eyes, so I would be squinting a LOT if I didn’t have my shades at all times. It’s California, it’s sunny here. A lot.

I don’t really wear much jewelry, but I love my sunglasses! I have several pairs in rotation at all times (I think these days I switch between 3 or 4, but my collection is actually about double that). If I had limitless funds, however, I would have a whole wardrobe of stunner shades. Because of that, I am loving Sunglass Hut‘s new summer collection, the 94 Shades of Summer. 94 shades for each of the 94 days of summer! There’s truly something for everyone, or if you’re like me, this is pure sunglass porn.

Check out some of the selection from Sunglass Hut’s 94 Days of Summer —


See anything you love? I’m particularly fond of the blue Ray Bans and the cat-eye Dalmatian print lovelies by Miu Miu.

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