House: Moved

Hi all!

I finished moving house! Oy vey. For those who missed it, I now live in my parents’ house again. It’s very strange since I’ll be 24 this year and I moved out of this house when I was 18, but so far not so bad. It has been a major adjustment, but it’ll be good in the long run to get back on my feet after getting laid off.

Speaking of getting back on my feet…if you’ve been following me on Twitter you already know, but I’ve been going to interviews like crazy! I had three on Thursday. So I hope something pans out soon. :)

One issue with moving house though is that a huge amount of my stuff is staying boxed up. And I’m still figuring out where all my various stash items are, including the box of things I have to review! I’ll get that all going again as soon as possible.

Now that I’m more settled, I also want to start delving into doing videos finally! Anyone have any requests/suggestions for a video they want to see? I have a few ideas but these videos would be for you guys, so I want to know what you think too.

Sorry for the lame post, but just wanted to drop by and say hi to everyone so you don’t think I died, lol. I’m going to take some time this weekend to check out some of the latest collections as well as unpack and re-organize my stash. Whoa boy that’ll be interesting…I have a lot of stuff. =X I did pack a bag up to give to my mom though, which made her very happy. :D

I know I promised some reviews of some of my goodies from The Makeup Show LA, too. I haven’t forgotten! I will get that going asap!

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