IMATS is Coming


The word (well, acronym) makes me squeal and clap with delight. It stands for International Makeup Artists Trade Show.
It’s pretty much mecca. There are classes, competitions, demonstrations, and of course shopping!!
IMATS is on the 20th and 21st of this month at the Pasadena Convention Center here in Cali. And The Gloss Menagerie will be there both days covering the event!
There are so many makeup artists I want to meet and brands I want to learn about, but I also want to meet you! If you are going to be at IMATS, let me know!
For more information (and to buy tickets!!!), visit this website.
The full list of exhibitors is huge (check it out) but some that I’m really excited to visit with are Auraline Beauty, Cinema Secrets, Eve Pearl, FACE atelier, KohGenDo USA, Kryolan, Lise Watier, MAC, MakeUp Forever, Senna, Shadow Shields, Temptu, Yaby, and sooo many others.


  1. Tanya says
  2. Jessie says
  3. GlossMenagerieDotCom says
  4. Erin says

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