This is just a quick rundown of the Day 1 activities I got up to. ;)
++ Things That Were Awesome ++
+ Getting my brows done by Eugenia Weston / my experience at the Senna booth in general. Posted about that earlier. I am now known as the Senna stalker. :)
+ Meeting up with David Klasfeld (OCC Founder) and learning about the new OCC concealer. David is a doll!!
+ Hangin’ out with my girls Bren (OMG Bren) and Mai (Portrait of Mai).
+ Meeting Jenn Stazz & hanging out with her. She’s so sweet!
+ The drag queens at the Sugarpill booth (including the lovely Misty Maven aka Josh/petrilude) looking so FIERCE.
+ Spending way too much money on super fun goodies.
+ Seeing the lovelies of Beauty Army once again (met them at The Makeup Show LA).
+ I met Cora (vintageortacky on Youtube) and she is SO nice.
+ Watching a guy in full-out special FX demon makeup/costume nurse a Corona at the IMATS After Glow after party.
+ Epic mermaidness at the Lime Crime booth, plus getting a free shopping bag with a UNICORN on it. Even though I didn’t buy anything.
+ Checked out the new upcoming Naked Skin foundation from Urban Decay. Got shade matched and got a 2-week sample in 2 colors to play with. This doesn’t launch til next month.
+ Petting and fondling my new kabuki and powder brushes (more on that later). They’re so sofffffft.
+ Went to the Beautylish event afterward across the street. Cuppy cakes! So yummy. And they gave me a t-shirt. Not sure if it fits yet, but if it doesn’t look adorbs I can wear it as a PJ shirt or give it to my mommy.
+ Got a PurseBuzz BOW and one of her adorable lipstick necklaces.
+ After Glow had bruschetta. For free. YUM. I’m kind of obsessed. I love tomatoes.
— Things That Were Not Awesome —
– Random guy at booth yelling “ARE U BUYING ANYTHING” at me when I was just trying to see what his booth was. Err, no I am not buying anything – now!
– $3 cans of soda.
– The press badges got royally f’ed up and NOBODY has the correct info on their badge, so they just blacked it out with a magic marker instead of reprinting them. Wtf. Also, press check-in lady was kinda rude/just not thrilled to be there, even at only 9:30.
– Speaking of press stuff, there’s NO PRESS BAG. I’m not whining about no free swag; the point of a press bag is to put all the brands’ contacts and one-sheets about their latest new products in it. So there’s no press materials? Da f—? Pain in the ass.
So that was day 1 in a nutshell…recap of day 2 coming soon, although it was pretty chill and not as action-packed hahaha…
Wow, I would have expected their to be a press contact bag :/ Kind of strange.
Yeah it was very weird. I felt so awkward having to ask people for cards if I wanted to contact them sometime. :
So nice to see you! Yeah I was pissed about the press bag thing, especially because it was my first time getting a press pass to IMATS. :( I asked a ton of companies for their cards and most of them had no info…it sucked!
My favorite was the company where I asked for a contact card and was snottily told “no we don’t *do* cards. we’re *green*”. Well FFS.