Influenster Spring Beauty VoxBox

For those of you who don’t know, Influenster is a program where you join, and based on your influence on the web you qualify to receive free goodies to review! Anyone can join and it’s totally free. Woo! I just received my Influenster Spring Beauty box in the mail today and opened it up to find all sorts of fun stuff. Here’s what’s in the box– note, these aren’t reviews! It’s just a preview of reviews to come. :)

SoyJoy Bar in Strawberry

Influenster VoxBoxes often include snacks! I have never tried a SoyJoy bar, but I like strawberries so I’ll give it a shot. I’ll toss it in to my purse and nibble on it when I get peckish midday at work. ;) It’s a full sized bar.

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Wash

This sample is just that, a sample size, but it’s plenty to give it a shot and see if I like it. I’m kind of glad it’s only a sample sized bottle to be honest. I don’t want to spend too much time away from my beloved Lush Whoosh Shower Jelly. ;) I’m madly in love with it. But Aveeno products in my experience are very high quality so I’m sure this will be kind to my skin.

ChapStick Lip Shield 365

Can’t really go wrong with old school ChapStick, and this is the highest SPF I’ve ever seen in a lip product! Personally I’ve never sunburned my lips before, but I know people who have and it’s very unpleasant! Have any of you ever gotten your lips sunburned?? I’ll let you know if this is a good lip balm to try. :)

Sally Hansen Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips in “Frock Star”

These look SO fun and I’ve been DYING to try some, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to spend $9 on something I wasn’t sure about. I know, that’s kind of lame, but whatever. Now I don’t have to worry about it because I can try these! They’re in an AWESOME rainbowy sparkly print. Weeeeeee fun nails!

Dr. Scholl’s For Her Ball of Foot Cushions

Oh my goodness, I know just what heels I’m going to test these in!!!! Not much else to say about them so far, except I’m intrigued that these say they’re “New & Improved”. I have tried similar products before and found them not so effective, but we’ll see if these truly are improved won’t we? ;)

Sheer Cover Concealer Duo in Light/Medium

I’ll admit I don’t hold out high hopes for this as it’s kind of dark. However, I’ve noticed some cream products go on lighter than they look in the pan, so I’m willing to give it a shot (Boi-Ing by Benefit has that same attribute, and I quite like that concealer!).

Bath & Body Works Fine Fragrance Mist in Sweet Pea

Not sure if everyone got the same fragrance, but I haven’t tried these since they repackaged and renamed these “fine fragrance mist” instead of body spray. Personally I love sweet pea, but I know it won’t be for everyone! It’s very sweet. However, experience tells me that this fragrance is often popular with the menfolk. ;) So I’m going to bring it to work and see what the guys at work think. It’ll be a fun show and tell, haha. They know I am a beauty blogger of course (that’s why they hired me!) so I hope they’ll be willing test subjects.

So that’s what’s in the Spring Beauty VoxBox! I will be updating with reviews of how the products work out (especially after I make all my co-workers sniff B&BW Sweet Pea!). Have you tried any of these products? Tell me what you think!


  1. We got all the same things except I got Paris Amour!

  2. OutInAPout says

    Great box- I’m jealous. I think the Mom Vox Box is on it’s way to me. It will be my first box offered, so I’m not really sure how it works! I’ve yet to be selected for a beauty box, but they look amazing. Just out of curiosity, are all of the products full sized, or are they travel sizes?

    And I definitely want your opinion on the Chapstick- you’re right, I’ve never seen a lip product w/ and SPF 50, and since most people don’t apply enough product to get the listed SPF, the higher the better IMHO! And, yes, I have burnt my lips before- I bet a lot of people have and don’t realize it; it’s almost identical to how badly chapped lips look & feel.

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  1. […] couple weeks ago I posted all about all the goodies that arrived in my Influenster Spring Beauty VoxBox! Here is an update on the products I’ve been able to form an opinion on so […]

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