July Favorites

Seeing as how it’s a week into August, and I’m now a week into being unemployed I’m taking the time to do an actual favorites post. I can’t even laughingly call these monthly anymore because they’re so…not monthly. But I feel like now that I have the time I might as well do a favorites post. Will they start being monthly? Nobody knows. 

Bonus points if you got that Ren & Stimpy reference, by the way. Yup, that’s what that was, ’cause that’s how I roll yo.

The first thing I’ve been loving on lately is Wen again. Unfortunately (for you) the cleansing conditioner I’ve been using was a limited edition– it’s the vanilla mint that was released for holiday. I like it, and it gives a refreshing tingle that helps perk me up in the morning. However, if you’re sensitive to very strong mint scents you aren’t missing out – it’s STRONG. Next time I want to try a different scent just for the heck of it. QVC has several (many more than Sephora does). As my hair has gotten longer, I really like that I can save time in the shower by just using Wen instead of a shampoo and separate conditioner. As a side note, has anyone else noticed that Wen’s creator Chaz Dean totally looks like a pretty Chuck Norris? In addition to using Wen, I haven’t been heat styling my hair much if at all. I’m trying to give my hair a break since it’s been hot enough to just go with wet hair and it actually feels good.

And now it’s fangirl time. I’ve been using the gorgeous It Cosmetics Vitality Lip Flush since March or so, in the shade Je Ne Sais Quoi. It looks like a sheer (at best) pink lip balm. It’s very very pale pink and almost translucent, kind of like those weird popsicle-like balms that Maybelline released a while back. But this product is magical. It self-adjusts to a beautiful pink according to your body heat. But unlike other similar self-adjusting products, the wonder doesn’t end there! This gorgeous pink that appears actually stains your lips and wears for a very long time. The balm itself is super moisturizing and makes my lips feel amazing! If pink isn’t your thing, the Vitality Lip Flush actually comes in four colors. I totally see myself purchasing the other colors in the future. They retail for $20 each, but QVC has some amazing deals, including this set of 2 (you get to choose, pinks or berries) for $26.36.

I have also been using and abusing one blush in particular the past month (month and a half actually), and that is Clarity by Senna Cosmetics. It’s a beautiful bright pink-coral matte that I’ve worn in several looks I’ve posted, including this one:

Love my pinky corals! There is no better color for summertime. Or for fair cheeks in general. And it can be yours for $18.50 from Senna! :) I think in the future I’m going to have to do a Senna overview of all the things I have from them because I literally love every single thing. I don’t see much chatter about them in the blogosphere, and that needs to change. ‘Cause they is the awesome.

Random other favorite…Breaking Bad. I started watching it from the beginning on Netflix. Anyone else love BB? I’m into season 3, so nobody spoil it for me ok???

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  1. I’m very sorry to read that your unemployed. Hugs to you!! I love WEN and Je Ne Sais Quoi, too. Your photo is gorgeous! 

  2. 1) I am sorry to read about your job.
    2) I died laughing at your Chaz-Chuck reference.
    3) I wish that product did not destroy my hair and my color!

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