June Favorites & Un-Favorites

It’s that time again…! Favorites time! I hope all of you who are in the U.S. are having a safe & fun holiday weekend so far; the boyfriend and I will be going down to San Diego on Monday for fireworks and yummies by the beach with his family, but we’re starting the celebration early by grilling some burgers tomorrow with my family. If you’re going to be outside, remember the sunscreen!

So lets talk about the products that I reached for the most in June, or just enjoyed a lot during the past month.


With all of the events I went to in June I wanted my skin to look its best, so I was using my Clarisonic Pro religiously all month. I have been using it about every other day or every third day, with a gentle cleanser by LeAine Dehmer. On the days I wasn’t using the Clarisonic, I used my beloved Caudalie foaming cleanser! I can always tell when I have been slacking off with my Clarisonic because my skin stays so nice and clear when I use it. I’ve also been relying on Renee Rouleau Anti Cyst Treatment as a preventive measure, using it just occasionally on my chin, where I’m most prone to those ouchy breakouts. Special occasions call for special products though, and with that in mind I used a couple masks (just once and a while) to pamper my skin – Bliss Triple Oxygen Mask and Lush’s Bb Seaweed mask, which is a delightfully soothing concoction you can only get in stores.


I haven’t been wearing foundation much at all unless I’m going to an event, because it’s been so hot I didn’t even want to bother. I will say that Skindinavia’s makeup finishing spray kept my face looking great without breaking me out! It was my little secret weapon for IMATS, along with Cover FX Clearprep FX primer. I wore different foundations throughout June, but one thing I still used very frequently is Tarte’s illuminating serum. I reviewed it and raved about it, and I’m still sort of obsessed with this stuff. I guess technically that’s a skincare product, but I think of it as makeup because I get a tiny bit of sheer coverage from it. Not so much even coverage actually, but it just seems to blur any imperfections or slight unevenness I have going on.

I have one makeup un-favorite, and that’s Hourglass Superficial Lash mascara. I loooooove Film Noir mascara, but Superficial Lash was a letdown. It doesn’t give me the oomph of Film Noir. :(

Favorite Tips of the Month

Fill in those brows!    Pro makeup artist Donna Mee suggests that if you are filling in patchy brows, to fill against the direction of the hair. Why? Because the product will adhere better to your skin that way, and not the scant few hairs you’re trying to amplify. It makes filling in a patchy brow much easier, and then when you brush through your brows to neaten them and blend the brow product with a spoolie, you aren’t brushing all your work away.

Lash combs are your friend!    A good lash comb is an essential part of any makeup kit. I’ve seen gals separate their lashes with needles, thumb tacks, and safety pins. Scary! Get a metal or plastic one with the skinniest teeth you can find, like this one from Royal & Langnickel or this one from Tweezerman. They’re easier to hold so you won’t poke yourself. But how to clean them, you ask? Don’t just try to pull the clumps of dried mascara off. You’ll end up ripping the teeth out of your lash comb and ruining it. Instead, I wet the comb with makeup remover and then use dental floss to get the yuckies out. Piece of cake!

Non-Beauty Favorite

Oh my gosh. iPhone users, I’ve had an obsession lately with a game called Word Shaker. If you like word games, especially word searches, you’ll love this one! Check it out in the apple store on your iphones. I just have the free version, but you can pay to get the version w/o ads too. This game is a source of hours of entertainment, sadly. I am so addicted.


  1. stefanily says
  2. Alyson says
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