Lashing Out

I am finding myself incredibly addicted to mascaras lately. Drugstore mascaras, thank god.

I finally decided to lay my L’Oreal Telescopic to rest. I just got tired of keeping it alive, layering it feverishly over better mascaras. It had potential. It really did lengthen well. But that’s about it. I need more than that in a mascara. It was also a little smudgey. :\

In addition, I discovered that L’Oreal HiP mascara and I do not get along. At all. I don’t know if my tube was expired, but the first time I wore it I got horrible eye allergies. Not cool.

I have come to the conclusion that I am better off sticking to Maybelline when it comes to my drugstore mascara endeavors. L’Oreal just has a history of letting me down.

On that note…here’s a quick list of my most disappointing mascaras in no particular order:

L’Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black
Maybelline Great Lash
mark. Comb Out
L’Oreal Telescopic
L’Oreal HiP
CoverGirl LashBlast

And here are some I love:

Maybelline Define-A-Lash
Maybelline Colossal
Maybelline Full ‘n Soft Waterproof
MaxFactor 2000 Calorie Extreme Lash Plumper (detailed review coming soon!)
NYX Doll Eyes Volume


  1. The Mighty J says
  2. Rae says
  3. Lydia says

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