Little Black Bag – Obsessed!

Alrighty, time to tell you all about something I’ve been pretty obsessed with lately– Little Black Bag. It’s a monthly shopping site unlike any other! I have to thank Ivy @ Jeweled Thumb for introducing me to my latest addiction.
Like most of these sites, you take a style quiz. Then they show you a gallery of delightful pieces. There’s jewelry, accessories, beauty products, and even a few home decor items. You’re supposed to pick one item. Then their style editors will choose the 2 other items that make up your LBB.
Except, that’s not where it ends! Once your 2 other items are revealed, you may decide you don’t care for them. In that case, you can offer to trade them to other LBB members! You can also have people vote on your bag, if you can’t decide. You get a week to decide about trades, and then you ship your bag. You can ship your bag at any time if you want it sooner.
Each bag is $49.99, which might seem steep, but the quality of the items is much higher. These are pieces by well-known lines like Kenneth Jay Lane, Steve Madden, Betsey Johnson, CARGO Cosmetics, and others. Each piece has its retail value listed so you can make informed decisions (or you could always use ‘The Google’).
I still have a little over 1 day of trading time left, and my current bag contains a set of Betsey Johnson bangles ($50), a Steve Madden bracelet ($50) and a stunning rose gold ring by Tuleste Market ($80). Do the math, that’s almost $200 worth of stuff that I’ll be getting for $50. Pretty darn cool. The trading gets really addicting, too. ;)
Wanna get in on the fun? Join up! That is a referral link, for full disclosure. But you guys know me, I wouldn’t even mention something if it wasn’t something I am really into. :)

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