Love it or Loathe it? Posh Beckham

Ah yes. American Idol season. Yes, I watch American Idol. As a choir geek, how I could I resist a show about singing? Especially the auditions! But we’re not talking about singing.

We’re talking about Victoria Beckham.

Normally I don’t pay her much attention at all. However, for those of you who don’t know, Posh was the guest judge while the AI auditions took place in Boston. Critics have been saying all sorts of scathing things about Posh’s AI appearance. While conceding that she was very sweet and gave the auditioners good commentary (already a step ahead of Paula -ahem-), they nearly universally panned her look for both premier episodes. In fact, the LA Times called it “gaunt” and “off-putting”, while the Washington Post cracked jokes about her lace headband in the first episode. Another newspaper’s blog snarks that “her face is too crazy for close up”.


So what do you think? I thought she looked like the fashionably avant guard person she always looks like, true to Posh Becks form, and not off-putting at all. Especially with her sweet way of speaking and positive energy. I will say that the dark eye makeup is a bit severe for a TV show that is taped during the day, but that’s who she is. I’ve never seen Posh out and about without looking at least slightly smoldering.

Here are some pictures from both episodes…

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