Love It Or Loathe It: Temptu Adorn Temporary Tattoo Kits

I remember back in high school when crystal tattoos were the hottest accessory for every formal dance. Okay, so it wasn’t really that long ago, but the beauty world has certainly evolved since the days of butterfly clips and roll-on glitter gel. Or has it? After all, you know what they say — what once was old is new again, and that seems to ring especially true for temporary tattoos. Ever since Chanel made faux ink look chic again, the commercial beauty world has been gradually catching on, offering kits for at-home applications… with way more staying power than those cereal box tattoos we used to rub on with a washcloth!

For example, Temptu’s Adorn Tattoo Kits, available at Sephora, offers a selection of “real-looking” tattoos that stay put for 2-5 days. Choose from tribal-inspired designs or more fun and girlie prints like lip prints and roses for a funky statement sans the commitment. And now, thanks to Beyonce’s upcoming line of tattoos with Temptu, inspired by her rocker-chic Fall 2010 Dereon campaign, temporary tattoos are destined to get bigger and bigger. Though I have to admit, I have yet to see anyone actually rock them in person! What do you think — are you tempted to try out Temptu’s temporary body art?

-Alex Gambardella for TheFind

Save on Temptu Adorn Temporary Tattoos at Sephora from TheFind’s coupon site.

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