MAC Art of Powder Collection Info

MAC Art of Powder
Launches Sept 29th (North America) and October (International)
Note, International launch is at select locations only. 
Limited Edition

Highlighter: In The Abstract – $38.00 USD / $46.00 CDN
Soft pink base with yellow gold lines and lavender and midtone pink dots.
Eyeshadow: Street Art Eye Shadow – $38.00 USD / $46.00 CDN
Graffiti design with light brown, white, light cool blue, warm orange, pastel pink, and pastel blue.
Bronzer: Optical Bronzer – $38.00 USD / $46.00 CDN
Bronze with gold pearl and neon pink with gold pearl.
While this collection is certainly pretty to look at, I can’t see myself shelling out $38 a pop for a powder that is too pretty to want to use it. ;) The colors of the highlighter and bronzer do appeal to me though. I’m not wild about the eye shadow palette, but that’s just because the colors aren’t really for me. What do you think of the collection? Will you be adding any of these to your stash?

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