MAC Pink Friday Lipstick

Alright I’m not going to claim to be a huge Nicki Minaj expert or anything, but I have heard her on some songs I really like. I also heard a quote from her yesterday on the radio that definitely upped my respect for her. It was urging young women to stay in school, make that money, and “don’t be havin’ no babies”. lol. Okay, maybe not the most eloquent quote in the world, but the message is a good one. I’ve been watching the latest season of 16 and Pregnant and I think some of those young ladies could’ve used Nicki’s advice!

Nicki at MAC Times Square at an appearance this morning. How cute is she?
In collaboration with Nicki, MAC is releasing a special limited edition lipstick named Pink Friday, after Nicki’s upcoming debut album. The lipstick will release this coming Friday (11/26) and be available only on for that Friday, and the three Fridays after that. Cute idea, I think.
Available Dates: 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, and 12/17.

Nicki says MAC’s Pink Nouveau lipstick was one of her favorites for years, and you can definitely see the inspiration in the promo pic for Pink Friday. Pink Friday lipstick is in MAC’s satin formula, which I love for being usually very pigmented, creamy, and gorgeous! I’m totally guilty of being a MAC lipstick collector, especially special limited edition ones like this. I know I want to get my hands on Pink Friday! Do you?

Check out that hair!

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