MAC Style Warriors is FIERCE

Style Warriors Lipsticks. Photo from – used with permission

When the product information came out about the MAC Style Warriors collection, I shrugged. I mean, don’t get me wrong– I love animal print, so that was certainly exciting, but the color descriptions didn’t grab my interest.

Unfortunately, my lack of interest has vanished into thin air and is replaced by manic, crazed product lust. Personally I blame Christine’s delicious photos up on, but I mean look at those lipsticks! From L to R: Brave New Bronze, Purple Rite, Sunsational, Tribalist. Brave New Bronze doesn’t seem to really be bronze at all. More like a nudey peachy color apparently? Absolutely lovely lovely. And well, Purple Rite. I have a problem. I’m obsessed with any sort of purple lipcolor. Sunsational is the sort of color that would make me look like death, but Tribalist! It seems like a dead-on dupe for Bing mattene (except of course that it’s not matte, but for me that’s a plus).

The collection also features coordinating lipglasses in equally exciting packaging, but for some reason they’re not jumping out at me. I mean the colors are interesting, sure, but none of them are jumping up and shouting “YOU NEED ME, ALYSON!! BUY ME!!”

Eyeshadow in Soft Force. Photo from – used with permission

The eyeshadows, however, are beautiful! Several pretty neutrals. Even the bright-ass yellow is pretty. Not that I’d be able to wear it, but it’s nice to look at. And the bronzers, and the nail polishes, and…blushes! and…okay, well, this collection has clearly grabbed at my heartstrings. Now to see if it grabs at all at my purse strings.


Have you seen Style Warriors yet? What items from the collection are you interested in?


  1. Erin says
  2. jojoba says
  3. Erin says

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