MAC Surf Baby Collection Preliminary Info

MAC Surf Baby – May 26th 2011

This is purely preliminary information. Shade descriptions and some names are missing. I’ve heard this will be a 2-part collection. Comparing this one to last year’s To The Beach, I definitely like this one better so far. The packaging is certainly way cuter! There is another coral blush with gold overspray… some things just don’t change. ;)

Marine Life part 2? Not sure what the name of this product is, but it sure is pretty…

Lipstick – $14.50

Naturally Eccentric [Repromote]
Mocha [Repromote]
Bust Out!

Eyeshadow – $14.50

Saffron (repromote)
Short Shorts
Sun Blonde
Surf USA
Swell Baby

Lipglass – $14.50

Girl on Board
Good Loving
Krazy Kahuna
Strange Potion [Repromote, Venomous Villans]


Beach Girls
My Paradise

Powerpoint Eye Pencil

Blue Moon
Gilded White


Splashproof Lash Mascara

Pressed Powder

Lush-Light Bronze
Gold Go Lightly

Crushed Metallic Pigments (These are pigment stacks in sets of 4 colors)

Summer Stash
Surf the Ocean


239 Eyeshader

Nail Polish

Hangin Loose
Ocean Dip

Bronzer Stick

Gilty Bronze
Billionaire Bronze

Still missing information on blush sticks and lip tints! But I’m excited about them nonetheless. ;)


  1. Kimberlee VDW says

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