Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes First Impressions

I recently got this ADORABLE little set of metallic Aqua Eyes eyeliners from Make Up For Ever, and I decided to “road test” them in kind of a unique way. I swatched each one on the back of my hand, and just went about my life. I did not make any actual attempt to remove them, like when I washed my hands I didn’t scrub over the liners or anything I just washed like I normally would.
“Life” over the last few days has consisted of:
– using hand sanitizer regularly
– showering (yay!)
– carving 3 pumpkins
– running around doing errands
– preparing food
– sleeping with my hand (the one w/ the swatches, mind you) under my pillow
… you get the idea.
Right After Swatching

I gave them a few minutes to ‘set’ before I tried the traditional smudge test of letting them set and then smudging over them with my fingers. So far, so good. No smudging. 
24 Hours Later

After 24 hours, the gold liner’s swatch had faded a little bit on one part of the swatch. The rest were going strong! I was impressed, and left them on my hand to see what happened.
Ok have you ever carved a pumpkin? It’s seriously gross. I had pumpkin matter all over my arms up to my elbows almost, some of it was on my chest, and some even managed to get on my face. I washed my hands several times in addition to the regular use of hand sanitizer and showering that I usually have in everyday life.

I applied these on my hand on Thursday night. It’s now Saturday night (by the time you read this it will be Sunday though). I can still see a tiny mark where one of the swatches was. Seriously. It’s from the black liner. The gold was the first to rub off (which by the way didn’t fully disappear until last night), followed with some distance by the silver. The bronze, dark grey, and black held on for quite a while, but are now gone except for the tiny faint smudge where the black used to be.
But damn. Thursday night to Saturday night. That’s pretty darn impressive, don’t you think? I wish I had thought to take pictures throughout the days I had them on, but I was just so caught up/busy with whatever I had going on haha. I’ll be doing more tests with these (like uh, using them on my eyes would be nice eh?) and I’ll post more info and swatches later. I just had to post this when I realized I still saw some eyeliner on my hand tonight.
The kinda funny (or sad, depending…) thing about this trial is I was walking around with eyeliners on my hand for 3 days and no one said anything. They probably figured they didn’t want to know! 
The Make Up For Ever Rock For Ever Aqua Eyes set is $36, available at Sephora. It is limited edition though, so if you want it grab one up now while we still have the Friends & Family discount. ;)
Product sample provided for editorial purposes.

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