I had the chance to check out the amazing Make Up For Ever boutique inside Sephora in South Coast Plaza (Costa Mesa, CA) before it opened to the public. They were literally still putting the finishing touches on things when I was there! The boutique is really like a chic geek’s dream. It combines fabulous makeup with technology and creativity! Check out these pictures…(you can click them to view them full size)
The concept behind the MUFE boutique was not just for shopping, but also for education and fun. Everything is very accessible and visitors are encouraged to play!
Lighted makeup stations for makeup lessons…
This part of the boutique was still being put together, but it’s probably the coolest part. This is the SmartBoard. Artists can put face charts up on here and use special markers to actually draw on the face chart. And then once the lesson is complete, they can email it to you from the board right then and there!
The table in front of the SmartBoard opens up to reveal a full palette of all of the MUFE eye shadows, and visitors are encouraged to swatch, play, and create their own palettes.
The boutique is also equipped with iPads that are ready to help you update any of your social networks such as Foursquare, Twitter, and Facebook right from the boutique! You can also quickly jump to How-To videos to teach you about MUFE products.
Because of the large area, the MUFE boutique is able to actually carry the entire line of MUFE products. There were so many things I’d never seen before! And I just love the look of pristine, brand new testers don’t you?
If you need help figuring out what lipsticks might work best for you, there is a nifty shade selector that can help you choose based on your hair color and skin tone! You might need the help just because there are so many shades to choose from!
Did you know that MUFE also carries professional special effects makeup products? I didn’t! But if you need some fake blood, fake sweat, or even some sculptable fake skin, stop by the MUFE boutique!
The boutique is incredible. A lot of careful thought and planning went into the concept. This is the third boutique of its kind to open this year. There are already concept store-within-store locations at Sephora Soho and Sephora Las Vegas.
The boutiques are all staffed by trained MUFE artists who offer a full menu of mini makeup lessons. These lessons last about 20 minutes, and are $40 redeemable in product. Topics covered in these lessons include basic eye makeup application, a dramatic smoky eye tutorial, blemish correction and under eye concealing, and many more. I figure if you’re going to be shopping anyway, it’s a great opportunity to get some tips along with your new stuff. Even the most seasoned makeup artists know that the art is all about being on the cutting edge and constantly learning to perfect the craft.
I myself had the opportunity to get a mini makeup lesson with MUFE artist Cat. More on that in the next post!
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