mark. is releasing 24 new shades for summer! These launch on July 22nd so I know this update is coming a little early but I am just way too excited to wait to show you what’s coming! :)
4 new shades of Dew Drenched Moisturlicous Lipstick – these lipsticks contain shea butter and feel super nice on the lips. Pink Posy is my pick, as you could probably guess if you knew me. I have to wonder if that swatch for Ruby Glaze is accurate though, because that color doesn’t say “ruby” to me. I guess time will tell! Retail – $6
4 new shades of Glow Baby Glow lipgloss. These are minty and sheer, so don’t be afraid of the funky colors. I’m really looking forward to “Blow Kisses” and possibly “Bubbles” too. Looks like a pretty sheer red lip is in my future? Retail – $5
4 new shades of Glow Baby Glow Luxe lipgloss. Luxe GBGs are more pigmented and have more shimmer/shine than the others. They too are minty. :) “Flirty Luxe” is calling me along with “Lucky Luxe”.
retail – $5
3 new shades of Glow Xpert. Glow Xpert is a liquid highlighter similar to Benefit High Beam. Personally I can’t wait to get my hands on “Champagne Glow” and “Rose Glow”. Retail – $8
4 new shades of Juice Gems flavored lipgloss. These look like they may have more pigment than previous Juice Gems, which were pretty sheer on me. I want all of them except Pineapple, although that one’s tempting too. I just know they won’t look good on me. Mango Tango looks similar to Simmer Juicy Tube (Lancome), no? Retail – $6
Oh my gosh so exciting!! 5 new shades of i-mark eyeshadow! And 4 of them are MATTE! Oh em gee. I want all 4 matte shades. Retail – $4
Okay. So. I want the dress, and all the necklaces and earrings. That bag is just slightly too big for my taste, but the red color is beautiful, don’t you think?
Dress – $28
Necklace Sets – $15
Earring Sets – $12
Bag – $26
Blue/Orange Rings – $14/set
Gold/Black Bangle Bracelet – $14