I hope all of my readers who celebrate Christmas had a good one yesterday and got lots of awesome stuff and had fun with friends or family or whatever you do on Christmas.
Christmas time is a special time of year not only because of the whole birth of Jesus thing, but also because of the amazing deals to be had when shopping. ;)
Bath and Body Works has their semi-annual sale going once again, and unless you have been living under a rock or are new to B&BW, you know that the semi-annual sale means Awesome Deals. Last time I looked at their website the classics body lotions were only $3, which includes my favorite B&BW scent of all-time Rice Flower & Shea. OMG it’s the greatest. There are always lots of other deals during the semi-annual sale and they change as the week goes on. Remember kiddies too that B&BW now ships to Canada!
Another favorite of mine, Old Navy is having a pretty amazing after-Christmas sale. There are tons of great deals to be had on new clothes. I love Old Navy, probably even more than Torrid at the moment. The reason why Old Navy is so great is because you can go get a bunch of basic pieces and still have enough cash left to get some spiffy accessories to personalize the outfits. I have my eye on several things. ;)
A site I don’t talk about a lot on the blog, Makeup.com is having a really great sale on their Boutique Brands. The code HAPPY40 gets you 40% off all of their brands in this category, which include Becca, CARGO, 100% Pure, Dermalogica, and more. It’s definitely worth checking out. Another site, Beautorium is offering 50% off select items with the code YEAREND. The items are from brands like Juice Beauty, Pangea Organics, and Dr. Hauschka. Beautorium specializes in natural beauty products.
My beloved Philosophy is having a year-end sale as well. See? Everyone has to jump in on the action. Select items are up to 50% off.
Benefit Cosmetics is offering $10 off a purchase of $50 or more with the code BUXBAK10. If you’re feeling really spendy there’s more codes for you too. BUXBAK20 gets you $20 off a purchase of $100 or more. BUXBAK30 gets you $30 off a purchase of $150 or more. Also, every order over $35 gets a free silky powder eyeshadow. That is not the new eyeshadows, but their old formula.
So, that’s it for now…but I’m sure you all had your inbox flooded with sales too. Any other sales worth mentioning? Tell me in the comments! Where are you going to shop?
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