I recently attended a Kohls beauty event thanks to the supersweet invite from Holly from Estee Lauder. I have been to Kohls before and I was sorta familiar with the brands but thanks to Holly and makeup artist Meghan Malloy I now know a lot more about the brands and all the great stuff they have to offer. If you are near a Kohls you really ought to shimmy on over there and check out the products– they are excellent. I recently overheard a girl point out the Flirt display and say “oh that’s just wannabe MAC…” and roll her eyes. I so badly wanted to correct her, “oh honey, no, this is MAC but cheaper–” but she’ll just have to learn that for herself someday.
Fortunately for all of you, I am telling you now! These brands are faaaaabulous. There’s truly something for everyone. I had a great time learning all of these lines and will definitely have fun posting about all I learned. For now, I am going to show you some pics of the awesome makeover Meghan gave me. :) Makeup by Meghan Malloy, scraggly brows by me.
Concealer – American Beauty Perfecting Concealer in Fair
Cheeks – American Beauty Beloved blush in Mocha Bloom
Lips – Flirt! Glamourazzi Extreme Lip Laquer in Popstar (this is totally a gloss version of MAC Cremesheen in Modesty, by the way– gorgeous color!)
Eyes – all Flirt! shadows. I know the highlight color is called Sugardaddy, and the outer-v (the darkest purple) is Magic Mist. The rest of it was done with the limited edition Boogie Brown (which has plums lol) palette that is being released next month.
Eyeliner – Flirt! pencil eyeliner in Purple Rain
Mascara – Flirt! Lashadelic mascara in Mod Black (released next month) – this mascara is beauty tube technology! WOOT! It’s so cool.
Brows were already done in advance by yours truly with a little shu uemura hard brow pencil in Seal Brown. They are badly in need of a wax though! oy!