My Must Haves – Lips

Just in case any of you were wondering, these are my lip products that I’ve deemed as must haves.

Strawberry Banana Lipsmacker – I’ve actually used one of these up. Usually I lose a lip balm before I get a chance to use it up. Or let it go through the dryer, or…well, you know.

Burts Bees original – Good for under lip products that are more matte, or where a pink-tinted balm underneath is not appropriate or desired. It’s minty, too.

Soft Lips raspberry – I don’t even like raspberry but um, this is pretty awesome stuff. Its only downfall is it’s VERY soft, and easy to squish with the cap. And if you twist it up, it ain’t going back down. I keep it on my desk at home and slather my lips with it when I’m bumming around the house.


Stila Lipglaze in Brown Sugar – This one is hot and cold. Some people love it, some people hate it. I love it. It’s the perfect natural, subdued lip. Very very sticky. I don’t mind sticky glosses though; I prefer sticky gloss because it lasts longer. I love the smell, too!

MAC Lipstick in Blankety (pictured on me @ left) – If you’re not into nude lip color, sorry. I love it. Blankety isn’t exactly corpse lips, it’s kind of a pinky beigey nude. It was my first MAC lipstick.

NYC Lipstick in Mauve Gold – MAC Viva Glam V fans will like this one…it’s almost an exact dupe. It’s a very wearable every day color. The formula is really light and moisturizing too.

MAC Lipstick in Strawberry Blonde – Sorry gals, this one’s discontinued and very hard to find. But if you get your paws on it, keep it safe. It’s a really amazing pinky red corally shade. One of the few lustre formula lipsticks I really love.

MAC Lipstick in Up The Amp – Can we say intimidating? It’s purple lipstick. But on a cool-toned gal, it’s amazingly flattering. I pair it with pale eyeshadow and modest cheeks, with loads of mascara. The MAC amplified cream formula is awesome.

MAC Lipglass in Magnetique – This was one of those impulse CCO purchases I regretted immediately. Magenta lipgloss? I’ll never wear this! Why did I waste my money? But then for the hell of it I put it on. It totally brightens my whole face up and adds the most delicious pop of color. Wear it for those days you want to be noticed, envied, and adored. ;)

Stila Lipstick in Amelia – Stila cream lipstick formulas are as nice as MAC’s amplified cream. It’s just tricky to figure out which ones are creams, etc. because they only denote between shimmer and non-shimmer on their website. Amelia is a bright, perky hot pink with a lot of lasting power. I think it runs neutral, tone-wise.

Pout Plump Lipgloss in any shade – These are so nice. I know they’re discontinued but they are still floating around on Ebay and the MakeupAlley swap section. If you can get your hands on them, do so! They contain MaxiLip, which claims to plump your lips over time. It does not burn at all, or really tingle all that much. It’s just a cooling sensation like when you eat a strong mint. They do not have a scent or anything like that though. The colors are sheer, and the formula is long lasting and moisturizing. However, they’re also quite sticky.

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