My Stash – Palettes

Unfortunately I’m still having camera-related technical difficulties and don’t have photos for this entry. :( But I am going to do a sort of “feature” on different parts of my stash. This time it’s palettes!

It’s funny, I love pre-made palettes but I’m not wild about the home-made ones. I hardly touch ’em. I’m strange.

My most recent palette acquisition is the L’Oreal Showstopping Taupes Quad. This quad is gorgeous. The shades are a silvered medium taupe, a paler lavender-cream taupe, pale creamy ivory, and delicate rose. This quad was limited edition and is very hard to find with the exception of swapping and Ebay. I got mine from a sweet swapper on MUA. The shades are satiny, not matte but not glittery either. The packaging is simple, yet sturdy. I haven’t seen L’Oreal come out with a nicer looking quad. I’m glad I have it in my collection. Great for work looks.

I have a small selection of MAC palettes that I cherish. The two quads I have are the Sweetie Cakes quad and the Perverted Pearl quad. Both are discontinued. The Sweetie Cakes quad is not too hard to get ahold of and pretty easy to get a good deal on, too. The Perverted Pearl quad, however, is extremely difficult to get ahold of. I lucked out and bought it off of a Canadian MUAer. The palette itself is cracked but still totally functional and worth it to get such a hard to find item. The Perverted Pearl quad contains Print and Seedy Pearl, two of my favorite MAC eyeshadows. The other two MAC palettes I have are from the Royal Assets collection (Holiday ’07). I have both the smokey eye palette and the warm eyes palette. I did not think the warm eyes palette was at all warm really. It’s pretty darn neutral in fact. I’m cool-toned but I thought the cool palette looked too garish as it contained brighter colors. No thanks!

What would a mark. rep’s stash be without some mark. Flip For It palettes? I have 3 of these: London Spring, Sydney Spring, and New York Fall. These are handy little palettes that have 2 eyeshadows, a blush, and 4 lipcolors. To be honest I never use the lipcolors, but the shadows and blushes are so pretty that I don’t mind, haha. I kind of wish you could de-pot these so I could put the blushes and shadows into face cases, but that has proven to be darn near impossible without breaking things. The pans in the flip for it palettes are not nearly as sturdy as the regular pan products and bend when you try to pry them out even just a little. Thus, the product crumbles. So sad. Lame design flaw.

A brand getting a lot of buzz right now is NYX Cosmetics (that is pronounced like “nicks”, but I still hear a lot of people spelling it out. it’s confusing that they capitalize it, imo). I have one trio from the brand, and one on the way (sounds like I’m pregnant with an e/s trio lol). The one I have is Lake Moss. If there are must-have NYX trios, Lake Moss is one. The colors are all blackened– blackened purple, blackened blue, and blackened green. The purple is like MAC Fertile only with better texture and more pigmentation. It’s a teensy bit darker, but very very pretty. The time I wore the purple shadow to work in a bold smokey eye, I got stopped in the hallway and quizzed about what I was wearing. The trio I have on the way is Ceramic, which is 3 shades of grey. I know, doesn’t sound too terribly exciting, but I love grey/silver.

I’m skipping over my Stila palettes because that’s a feature coming soon. ;)

One palette I really really love is my Urban Decay Deluxe Shadow Box. The deluxe shadows are so amazing. I hate glitter, so I was thrilled to know that Urban had created some beautiful brights without the insane amounts of glitter. They’re not matte (that’s a different totally awesome UD collection, haha) but they aren’t glittery. Just kind of satiny. You get 9 shadows in one palette and the colors are so beautiful and vibrant. And these just simply do not fade, either. Of course I do use the primer potion beforehand, but even 12 hours later these don’t fade one single bit. Awesome. I believe this palette retails for in the neighborhood of $36 but I got mine at a discount ($28 shipped) from a seller pixelbit on Livejournal. She’s great and I recommend her.

And finally, my little stash of Wet ‘N Wild eyeshadow palettes. Seriously? Worst brand name. Ever. Epic fail. Wet ‘N Wild? What the heck does that even mean guys? With relation to cosmetics? Who knows. But what I do know is their 8-color eyeshadow palettes are gorgeous! I have 4 of them: Glamorous Gems (discontinued), Silver Bells (discontinued), Paradise Cove, and Sand Castle. All of the shades are great to work with, blend well, and are vibrant. The Sand Castle is one of the better neutral palettes I’ve worked with. It’s a go-to item for travel.

There you have it. That’s my palette stash (minus Stila). What’s your favorite palette?

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