My To-Do List for The Makeup Show LA

The-Makeup-Show-LA-520x202Yes yes, it’s that glorious time of year once again – The Makeup Show LA is this weekend! Tonight I am attending their blogger preview, and this weekend I will be walking the show floor! Wanna know my to-do list? Keep on reading…

My To-Do List for The Makeup Show LA 2013

Obsessed…the booths I always make a point of going by to say hey to the awesome people running them:

Enkore Makeup, Pursebuzz (Elessa Jade), Embryolisse (Robyn from Purely Cosmetics will be there too!), and Senna Cosmetics (Eugenia Weston is my boo. <3 her)

The booths most likely to make me MAKE IT RAIN MONEYS because I will almost definitely want to buy something:

NARS Cosmetics (shocking I know), Cult Nails (SO excited to see these in person for the first time), Naimies (because uh, it’s friggin Naimies they have EVERYTHING), Muse Beauty Pro (esum brushes. Me = brush hoarder. Esum brushes = awesome. No math to do there, it’s just logic folks!)

Booths I am super stoked to try out products from:

CAO Cosmetics, Ofra Cosmetics, Gorgeous Cosmetics, Saucebox Cosmetics, Billy B Beauty <—-all these brands are new (to me) and I wanna go exploring. :)

There’s also a plethora of fascinating industry pros giving away their secrets in the seminars and keynote forums! Just the seminars alone are worth going. Even if you don’t wanna shop at all, you could just go and sit in on these amazing people and learn so much. I love going to events like this because not only do I always pick up some new tips, I get more inspired by being in the same room with so many passionate people.

Seminar Schedule for TMSLA 2013:

Saturday, March 2nd 2013

Seminar Space A      

9:45- 10:30       Oscar Camacho for Inglot Cosmetics
11:00- 11:45    Airbrushing the Beauty and the Beast for Beautiful Creatures-Fionagh Cush for Temptu PRO
12:15- 1:00       Exploring Beauty-Talia Cich for Make Up For Ever
1:30- 2:15         HD Makeup-Applying Matching Creme and Airbrush on the same Face-Brad Look for Graftobian Makeup Co.
2:45- 3:30         Forming long lasting skin preparation including mini facelift touch & makeup-Ofra Gaito for Ofra Cosmetics
4:00- 4:45         Mod Make-up Stila Style-Dominick Briguglio for Stila Cosmetics
5:00- 5:45         Sculpting the Face with Contour and Highlight-Eugenia Weston for Senna Cosmetics

Seminar B     

10:00- 10:45    Kit Focus-James Vincent and Orlando Santiago for The Makeup Show
11:15- 12:00     How to Get Into the Union-Susan Cabral Ebert for Local 706
12:30- 1:15      HD Makeup for the Modern Bride- Sindy Perez for Mehron
1:45- 2:30        Studio Trend: Color Saturation-Lori Taylor for Smashbox
3:00- 3:45       NARS: Modern, Audacious, Iconic- Allison Elliot for Nars Cosmetics
4:15- 5:00        Carnival – Beto Franca for Make-Up Designory
5:00-5:45        Streamlining Your Kit to Maximize Efficiency – Sofiya Avakova for Naimie’s Beauty Center

Sunday, March 3rd 2013  

Seminar A

9:30-10:15      Spring Trends with Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics-Philip Luque for Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics
10:45-11:30    The Art of Contour-Lijha Stewart for Make Up For Ever
12:00-12:45     Makeup Application for all types of Skin Discolorations-Maurice Stein for Cinema Secrets
1:15-2:00         5 Minute Brows-Pala Foxxia for Anastasia Beverly Hills
2:30- 3:15       Backstage Beauty-Valerie Hernandez for Obessive Compulsive Cosmetics
3:45- 4:30       Incorporating Airbrush In Your Kit-Levi Vieira for Temptu PRO

Seminar B

10:00- 10:45    Brushes 101-James Vincent for Crown Brush
11:15- 12:00     Movie & Television Tricks for Everyday Makeup-Kelcey Fry for Cao Cosmetics
12:30- 1:15       Professional Silicone Prosthetics-Joel Harlow for Frends
1:45- 2:30         The Benefits of Private Label Branding-Lisa Gandara for Auraline Beauty
3:00- 3:45         Airbrush Coverage Solutions for Skin Imperfections-Sheila McKenna for Kett Cosmetics at Muse Beauty Pro

My favorite thing about these seminars vs. the ones at other shows – look at the timing. There’s time to run and shop between seminars, skip out for a sammy, or even just turn to the person you’re next to and discuss the awesomeness you just absorbed.


More info about The Makeup Show (and how to purchase TICKETS) can be found at :) and if you are going, well…grab me and say hey! I’ll see ya at The Makeup Show!

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