New BBW Scents – Quick & Dirty

I had a quickie trip to Bath & Body Works yesterday and I had a chance to sniff some of the new (and new to me) scents. Here are my quick thoughts…

Vanilla Noir – Pleasant, something I’d definitely want in a perfume as opposed to a lotion. I don’t smell as much vanilla on me as I would’ve hoped. The rest of the notes overpower it. I get too much musk. However, I actually like it. I wouldn’t want it as a lotion because rubbed all over the body I think this would be overpowering. But the eau de toilette would be nice.

Shea Cashmere – I had such high hopes. I love shea. I was hoping this one would be similar to rice flower & shea, my absolute favorite BBW scent. Alas, no. It smelled like butter. Not shea butter, but butter. My nose felt assaulted. :(

Aromatherapy Warm Milk & Honey – For an aromatherapy item I would not expect it to be so strong. Although maybe it’s tough therapy? Like tough love? After some time it dries down to a pleasantly sweet scent, but not worth the initial shock of superhoneyohmygosh in my nose. Too much honey.

Totally Twisted Peppermint – Now I know this one isn’t new, but it’s seasonal so it might be new to you. I love TTP. It’s described as mint, sugar, and vanilla and that’s exactly what it is. It’s minty without stinging the nose like something mentholated, and sweet without being cloying. Win! I have the 3-in-1 shower gel/bubble bath/hair stuff (which is now discontinued) and the lotion from last year. I really want to get the body scrub (body scrubs are my latest addiction) too. I hear it is really nice.

Winter Candy Apple – Yum. Smells like sweet apples and sugar, but like twisted peppermint not too much sugar. I actually got the room spray because for some reason I really like my car to smell like apples.


  1. Heather says

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