New Blog Feature – Blog Sale Page

Yeah I gots mad MS Paint skills. For what it’s worth, I really do know how to make shiny pretty graphics…but sometimes I’m just too lazy to wait 10 minutes for Photoshop to boot. Derp. Anyway, so …

I decided to move my blog sale stuff to the menu! It will be updated VERY frequently, so that’ll be a page you’ll want to bookmark. Also, follow me on Twitter because I will always tweet when I update the page. I’ll try to remember to update Facebook too when I update the page, but Twitter is definitely your best bet! I will post on the blog when I’ve made major updates, too.

Speaking of which, I made major updates! I got a bunch of cheek stuff and one eye trio up! There is still LOADS more to come as I go through my stash and reorganize into my new storage system.

Happy shopping!

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